Center Based Daycare

Previously, I started to write about how when I looked into childcare, I was amazed at the different types of childcare out there and how many places there were! I began looking and realized there was so much more toRead More

Neuroscience and Speech

Posted on : by : Lauren Kosky

The brain is one very complex organ with messages traveling to and from the brain and other body parts at every moment. Messages received throughout our body, such as touch, temperature, or pain, have to travel to our brain toRead More

What is a Montessori education?

Posted on : by : Amber Petereck

  Have you been in conversations with other moms/parents and heard that there are different kinds of daycares and educations?  When I first started looking into daycare for my first born, I was shocked by a few things.  First, IRead More

More Speech Sounds!

Welcome back to the family chatterbox blog! My name is Kasey Wade and I am a certified pediatric speech and language pathologist! This blog post will help you understand some over arching guidelines and principles to use while helping yourRead More

How Kiddos Develop Their Speech

Well hello again everyone it’s Kasey here! I wanted to take some time to bring you up to speed on how kids develop their speech. We all know that kids don’t pop out of the womb sounding just like anRead More