Speech and Language Therapy

There’s a lot happening during your child’s development—they’re imitating new sounds and actions, learning new words and their meanings, figuring out articulation, trying new foods, and becoming more independent! Navigating all these different aspects of speech/language and feeding development and what might be lacking, can be difficult for parents, especially if it’s their first child. Overall, scheduling speech language therapy for children allows them to:


  • Reach important speech/language and feeding milestones with guidance
  • Easily get their needs and wants met in a variety of settings and ways
  • Ensure common articulation issues naturally improve
  • Improve their confidence in socializing
  • Enhance their ability to participate and thrive in academics or the school setting


As a mobile service, we ensure that families always have a speech-language pathologist nearby that specializes in services from “r” sounds to sensory and oral feeding issues. No need to navigate the roads when we can aid your child in the privacy and comfort of your home! If you have concerns or questions about any of your child’s speech/language, or feeding development, reach out to us for a free consultation!