Hello Everyone! Hope you are enjoying the warm summer weather and getting a chance to engage with those kiddos while they have some time off of school! On that note, if you are looking for a good activity toRead More
Looking for some fun summer crafts that can also help your child improve on their speech sounds? Well lucky for you, I’ve been collecting some fun projects for my friends who are working on their “S” sound! We oftenRead More
It feels like just yesterday when I wrote a very similar blog post about Amber Petereck joining our team! However, here we are just a few short months later and we are still busting at the seams! We love whatRead More
Feeding therapy – What it can look like! While the overarching goal of feeding therapy is to help improve the diet by improving skills or decreasing sensory defensiveness to foods, therapy can look many different ways, depending on theRead More
The last few posts have gone over reasons that a child may be a picky eater. Today, we will look at some red flags to know if you should seek help for your child. It is important to rememberRead More