Hello again! In the previous two blogs, I talked briefly about the communication styles of children and then had a blog specifically on the Sociable communication style! Remember, when thinking about communication style, there is no right or wrong. ItRead More
As a mom of a 3-year-old and a mom with a new infant at home again, I am reminded just how much joy and anxiety there is in the first few minutes, to weeks, to months, to years ofRead More
Hello everyone! Welcome to the last section of our Teaching Toddlers Language blog series. This week we are going to talk about the power of play schemes, and how you can use the play that kids are doing each dayRead More
This is our fourth week of our series Teaching Toddlers Language! This week our tip is to…. drum roll please….taking turns and following new directions!!!! Now you may be asking, why is this so important, or “my child always struggles withRead More
Hey Hey Hey! This week on our teaching your toddler language we are going to be talking about VERBS! These little action words are so key for helping your child to be able to put together a meaningful message. WithoutRead More