Feeding therapy – What it can look like! While the overarching goal of feeding therapy is to help improve the diet by improving skills or decreasing sensory defensiveness to foods, therapy can look many different ways, depending on theRead More
Last week we looked at how sensory properties of foods can impact the number and kinds of foods a child eats. This week, we will look at another big factor that may be contributing to a limited diet –Read More
Like the last post said, there are a few reasons that a child may not be eating a variety of foods. It is important to remember that it is typical for children to become more picky as they are learningRead More
Did you know that your Speech-Language Pathologist can help with feeding difficulties your child has?! This is an area that often is not talked about or thought to be an area that we can help with! Feeding also happens toRead More
It’s been a very exciting past couple of days for Family Chatterbox! First, an amazing post on Twin Cities Mom Blog, and now we are excited to announce that one of our part time Speech-Language Therapists has accepted an offerRead More