Lets Talk about Cups

It’s about that time. Your baby is sitting in a highchair. They’re showing interest in what you’re drinking and they are getting closer to a year of age. You head to Target and hit the baby feeding aisle and suddenlyRead More

Family Meals

We’ve all been there. The day’s been long and you have to make dinner. Great, another chance for your child to reject what you’ve made for dinner. You feel completely defeated on top of being exhausted. What’s a parent toRead More

Is My Child Choking or Gagging

We’ve all been there. That terrifying moment. Your kiddo is sitting and eating and suddenly they’re making a horrible sound. Your heart races, you scoop them out of the chair and be sure there is no food in their airway.Read More

Taste – Eating Part Six

Four down and one to go. We’ve talked about sight, smell, sound, touch and now onto the one we all associate with eating TASTE.   Taste:  This is the one that most people think of when it comes to food andRead More

Touch – Eating Part Five

Three senses down and two to go. We’ve talked about sight, smell and sound and now onto TOUCH.   Touch:  This is perhaps one of the most important senses when it comes to successful eating. Why? Well basically the skin onRead More