*Please refer to the previous blog last month for Waitlist Evaluation Program Part 1before reading about the second session of the evaluation sessionshere.* After the first session, the clinician will write an evaluation report which may include information gathered fromRead More
When I first started working with kids on dressing—many moons ago— I would have them look for the tag on the back of their clothes. This was the anchor that helped them understand the front and back of their clothes,Read More
I was recently at one of my kiddo’s homes waiting to start an OT session. She had houseguests staying with the family for a short period of time, one of them being a boy close to my kiddo’s age. AsRead More
Parents are often asking about ideas for Christmas toys that would further assist with their child’s development. I have compiled a list of activities and toys that have been successful in advancing children’s sensory and fine motor skills. I also stronglyRead More
In thinking about a child’s development we often think about their motor skills, feeding skills and overall communication—but do we ever think about what is happening in their sensory nervous systems? A large part of a child’s capacity to learnRead More