Giving Choices

As a parent, we are often told and often think we need to “pick our battles”, right? Well, what if we could have fewer battles in the day , still get what we want, and give our kids something theyRead More

The mom gut and finding someone who listens

Hi parents! Quick question, have you ever had a great appointment with a pediatrician or specialist for your child and you really felt heard and understood?  I felt this way at my son and daughter’s well child checks this pastRead More

Are You a Mouth Breather?

Are you a nose breather or a mouth breather? Does it matter? Well we are so glad you asked because yes it definitely does matter! Today I’m on the blog writing about a topic that has become near and dearRead More

Neuroscience and Speech

Posted on : by : Lauren Kosky

The brain is one very complex organ with messages traveling to and from the brain and other body parts at every moment. Messages received throughout our body, such as touch, temperature, or pain, have to travel to our brain toRead More

Science Experiments

Are you feeling like you’re spending a lot of time at home with your little ones in running out of new ways to keep them entertained? Well never fear, because I have plenty of great and time-consuming activity is comingRead More