The Next Chapter Has Officially Begun

When we started Family Chatterbox, our goal was always to grow into an interdisciplinary team. We knew it would be a long process to be able to incorporate/add an Occupational Therapist (OT) on our team. But we knew we wanted it, we needed it, and most importantly, our kiddos would benefit from having OT be apart of the services here at Family Chatterbox. Well, we are excited to share that, that time has FINALLY come! Please join me in welcoming the one and only, Judi Malecha to the Family Chatterbox team and family! Judi is someone that I worked with back when I worked at Capernaum and have always had the highest respect for her, not only has a person, but as an INCREDIBLE sensory OT. I knew from the beginning, I wanted her on this team and to be a member of this family. I truly believe, she is the best OT out there. So without further ado, here is a little more about our newest member of our team Judi Malecha.

Tell us about yourself!

My name is Judi Malecha, and I am a “seasoned” Occupational Therapist. I have worked in the pediatric field for over 30 years with a passion for sensory integration. I have worked in a variety of outpatients settings as well as home care. I am from Madison, WI but have lived in Minnesota for the majority of my life. I am currently living in the country, where I am enjoying peace and quiet. I am married, have a grown daughter and 2 dogs that keep me moving.

Why did you choose to go into the Occupational Therapy field?
I was interested in Occupational Therapy from a senior in high school. I chose OT as I felt the need to make a difference in shaping peoples lives, while having the ability to be creative and playful.
What is your work experience?
I have worked as a clinician for 30 years with a vast array of diagnosis including genetic syndromes, physical impairment, autism, and general developmental delay. I have worked with children that have had visual impairment as well as hearing impairment. I have worked primarily in an outpatient therapy setting with a team of therapists including speech, physical and occupational therapists.
What are you most excited about when you think about joining Family Chatterbox?
I am excited to join Family Chatterbox as I have previously worked along Kasey as a team member. She has brought her dream of helping children in their natural environment to a reality, and has shared the progress and advancement that has occurred with the kids that she and her team have been seeing. Having the ability to work in a child’s home with their parents involved and active in their care makes our job as their therapist easier and the progress in the child is that much faster.
Lastly and most importantly … what is your favorite food?!?
My favorite food is a wood fired pizza!
Adding Judi to our team is just the next step in the next chapter of Family Chatterbox, we have A LOT more work to do and A LOT more exciting news to share in the NEAR future, but we couldn’t be more excited to have Judi on our team. Welcome aboard Judster!