Speech Shapes

Speech Shapes. Sound different? Are you intrigued? Well let me tell you they are as fun as they sound! Hello everyone, I’m Kasey Wade and I’m writing this blog for you today to help you understand some of the tools that you might see used in your child’s therapy program. We are going to be talking about Speech Shapes today, a program developed by Renee Roy Hill a wonderful Speech-Language Pathologist who works for a company called Talk Tools. If you have more questions about Talk Tools, Oral Placement therapy, or how we use these to help your child more effectively please don’t hesitate to go back a few months in the blog posts or just give us a call!  


We use speech shapes as a way for kids to feel how we want their lips, jaws, and tongue to be positioned when we are asking them to make certain sound. Actually physically feeling something will be helpful for a large number of children, compared to the typical “watch and listen” approach of teaching. The speech shapes come in three different colors and shapes which correlate to three different sounds. The red circle is for the “b” sound, the blue square is for the “m” sound, and the orange triangle is for the “p” sound. The use of these different shapes and colors to cue the child has tremendous effect, and we love using every avenue possible to help a child learn. Reach out to us on social media to see a video of us using these tools with our actual clients! 
