Meal time how to turn YIKES into YAY!

Posted on by : Tricia Armstrong Tags:

Want to know one of the most exhausting aspects of having a picky eater? The constant asking them to eat at mealtimes. The begging, bargaining and, let’s be honest, the yelling that happens at meals and snacks with picky eaters is enough to make a parent cry. It feels like you’re negotiating with a little tiny terrorist and it destroys what you want, a peaceful family meal where they eat what’s on the table. It can make even the most powerful parent feel completely defeated. So, what do you do? How else do you get your kid to eat without begging and selling your soul to your child?

Kids love attention. They love to be the focus of your attention. Think about it, it’s why they say “mom, mom, mom, mommy, mama, mom, MOM” about a million times in a row until they get your attention. What often happens then with picky eaters is their refusal and pickiness is the fastest and most guaranteed way to get your attention. This is why I want you to try to flip the script. Change it up a little.

Try setting the expectation at the beginning of the meal. Tell them what you expect of them before they start. For example, “___ for dinner tonight I need you to eat ____ bites of your _____. I know that can be tricky but I also know you can do it.” Then, talk about something else. Include everyone at the table not just your picky eater. Here are some ideas of things to talk about:

  • Best part of the day
  • Worst part of the day
  • Would you rather (pick 2 things and ask would you rather ___ or ____ and why)
  • Favorite color
  • Favorite animal
  • Everyone pick a word and think of a word to rhyme with it

The possibilities are quite endless. Every now and again you can remind them to take a bite. Otherwise, your goal is to “catch them” taking bites of their non-preferred food. Then praise them. For example, “wow, I saw you try a bite of your ____, way to go.” If they are messing around and throwing or dropping food you can move the food, take it away, tell them no, etc. but then move onto other things.  I know it sounds impossible but try it. Make the focus something else and try to flip the script.

Need more ideas? Do you think this is insane? Shoot us an email or find us at Family Chatterbox on Instagram and reach out there. Let us know your favorite mealtime topic to give your kiddo attention without it being focused on what they need to eat.

Good luck, you can do this!
