Stage 3 of Gestalt Language Processing

Hello everybody! I’m back to share about stage 3 of GLP. First, to review: Stage 1 consists of “delayed echolalia.” Delayed echolalia, also known as scripting or using gestalts, is the repetition of a message that was previously heard eitherRead More

Stage 1 of Gestalt Language Processing

In the last 2 blog posts of this series, we discussed Gestalt Language Processing vs. Analytic Language Processing and how to tell if your child is a Gestalt Language Processor (GLP). Make sure to go back and read those firstRead More

How can I tell if my child is a GLP

Hi everyone! We are back today with another blog post on Natural Language Acquisition or Gestalt Language Processing. Last time we discussed the differences between Analytic Language Processing and Gestalt Language Processing. Today we are going to discuss some ofRead More

What is “Constructive Play” – Stage Two

    The second stage of play is constructive play, which we can think of as “construction play” because it involves building and learning through the activity. Within the Hanen Early Language Program, 2018, you can learn about three stagesRead More

Early Speech Sounds + The Link to Literacy

Hello Family Chatterbox Families! Welcome back to our blog series on early speech sound development, and our journey through different tips and tricks that will set your child up for success not only for how clear their speech sounds, butRead More