Questions Questions and More Questions!

I’m so glad you’re back for part four, the last blog in our question asking series. We are going to talk about “how” questions, open ended questions, and some examples of personal questions I think are good to start practicing from a young age. You ready? Let’s dive in!

  • How – Refers to the explanation of something
    • Try to explain to your kiddo that “how” tells us the steps, the parts, or the way! Here are some of my favorites…
      • How did you do that?
      • How does it work?
      • How do you want it?
      • How did it happen?

  • Ask Open Ended Question – Refers to questions that have more than one possible answer
    • I LOVE open ended questions, and honestly they are hard to remember to ask or kids. Research shows us the more we can facilitate curiosity and a grow mindset, the more successful kids are in every area of life! Here’s some examples of great open ended questions that spark kids ability to do things independently!
    • How Are You Going To Solve That Problem?
    • What Are You Going To Do To Solve That Problem?
    • How Did That Happen?
    • What Can We Do About That?
    • What are you going to do next?
    • How can we fix this?
    • What’s the solution to this problem?
    • Who’s going to take the next step?
  • Personal Questions – Refers to questions that kids are reflecting on their own experiences, preferences, and information to answer.
    • What do you like about…?
    • What’s your name?
    • How old are you?
    • Do you have any brother’s or sister’s?
    • What’s your mom’s name?
    • What’s your dad’s name?
    • Who are your friends at school?
    • Where do you go to school?
    • Who are your teachers?
    • What do you like about summer?
    • Do you have any pets?
    • What are you going to be when you grow up?
    • What do you watch on TV?
    • What’s your favorite…
    • Animal
    • Food
    • Show
    • Movie
    • Thing to do
    • Thing to do outside
    • Toy
    • Book
    • Snack
    • Song
    • Drink
  • Where do you live?
  • Do you have a favorite stuffed animal?
  • What do you sleep with?
  • What’s the weather like today?
  • Who do you play with at school?
  • What did you have for breakfast/lunch/dinner?
  • When is your birthday?

And those are just a few! Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions about the question series on our blog. We encourage feedback, engagement, and any ideas or thoughts you have as our audience. If you’d like a specific topic covered on the blog, just ASK! Hope you have some fun and learn some new things about your child with these questions, stay curious!
