What happened to the tags?!?

Posted on by : Judi Malecha Tags:

When I first started working with kids on dressing—many moons ago— I would have them look for the tag on the back of their clothes. This was the anchor that helped them understand the front and back of their clothes, especially if their shirt did not have any design on the front, and if they were wearing sweat pants as the majority of them were. Ever wonder the reasoning in the removal of the tags? It possibly could be easier for manufacturers to just incorporate in the collar or waistband—but my thought is that many children and even adults are challenged with feeling those tags on their skin. I for one have to remove the tags on shirts if they are sewn in as eventually I am constantly bothered and itching my neck due to the feel of that tag.  

Can you imagine if you had this irritation with all the clothes you were wearing. Can you imagine a child trying to sit through school and learning bothered by the irritation of their clothes. This is real and challenging for many children that can not be dismissed. The child’s tactile or touch system is on overdrive causing this response. In the majority of situations it will not go away unless the irritation is removed—meaning many children will only wear the same shirt, pants, socks or no socks and refuse to wear a hat. Imagine the anxiety the child lives with trying to figure out how to manage if they are not allowed to wear what is most comfortable for them. Imagine their parents trying to figure out how to even wash those few clothes that their child will wear.  

There are many strategies and techniques that can be used to help children overcome the challenges in tolerating all different types of textures in their clothing.  

Please reach out if after reading this weeks blog you realize your little one may have some tactile/touch/sensory overload going on!
