Communication Style #4

Hello again! 

Continuing on in the communication styles of children! We have already talked about Sociable and Reluctant communication styles. Remember, when thinking about communication style, there is no right or wrong.  It just tells us more about how they communicate with others, and how that helps us with knowing how to teach them language and what to expect and know when something may be off!    

This week, we will talk about the Passive communication style.  If your child has this communication style, it means that she/he has more difficulty responding and has more difficulty with starting/initiating interactions with others.  These are with both familiar and unfamiliar people to them.  He/she seems disinterested in people or items.  This communication style often feels like the child needs more encouragement before they will attempt to initiate or respond with anyone (even those familiar).   

When we think about language disorders or articulation disorders in the Passive communication style, it can be difficult to parse out what is a disorder vs what is personality.  This can lead to difficulty with finding ways to connect and knowing when to get support and therapy to progress language.   

If you feel your child has likely a Passive communication style, there are different ways to go about helping them with language than other communication styles!  If you have any concerns or questions about this, please do not hesitate to ask! Also, tune in next time for more information on the next communication style!  

Have a great day!   
