Social Skills and Texting

As parents and therapists for children, we can reminisce on how we used to schedule play dates or wish friends a happy birthday when we were younger and realize that these social interactions are typically much different for kids now. The days of writing letters or calling on a landline are considered old-school. Communicating with peers on the internet is a common daily interaction and this can be difficult for a lot of kids. Pragmatics involve how people communicate in specific social situations. Understanding someone’s tone, appropriate use of emojis, or how many times to send a message without a response are some social aspects of texting that may need to be learned.  

 Here are some aspects of texting to consider: 

  • Texting with friends vs. an adult/authority 
  • Informal vs. formal 
  • Using emojis and slang can enhance the conversation with friends. 
  • If you are messaging with a teacher or boss, it is best to only communicate about school/work. 
  • Holding a conversation vs. answering a question 
  • When someone reaches out to you, they are showing that they want to talk to you. Respond and follow-up your thoughts by asking a question or explaining yourself. 
  • Replying with a one-word answer, such as “Yes/No, OK”, is appropriate when asked a simple question or comment, such as “Is the movie over?” or “I’m on the way home”. 
  • If the person you are trying to contact has not responded to your messages, they may be busy or may not want to talk to you. Do not reach out again. 
  • Saved contact vs. new phone number 
  • Is it safe to respond? 
  • Do not give out personal information to unknown numbers. 

You can talk about these situations with your children and send messages to each other as practice. Give examples of how they could respond. It can be tricky to understand someone’s tone through texting, so consider different ways a text could be interpreted. Below is a link to an activity to practice texting. 

 Good luck! And as always, we are here if you have any questions! 
