Don’t Should on Yourself 

Well, here it is, the last month of the summer. I don’t know about you all but this was going to be my summer of doing all the things. We were going to do projects, travel, have amazing experiences andRead More

Why is Early Intervention Important? 

Early Intervention (EI) is typically considered to be a program that provides intervention within the first few years of children’s lives. This may include different types of services including speech therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, social work, playgroups, and serviceRead More

Meaningful Toys!

Parents are often asking about ideas for Christmas toys that would further assist with their child’s development. I have compiled a list of activities and toys that have been successful in advancing children’s sensory and fine motor skills.  I also stronglyRead More

Sensory Processing and Developmental Milestones

In thinking about a child’s development we often think about their motor skills, feeding skills and overall communication—but do we ever think about what is happening in their sensory nervous systems? A large part of a child’s capacity to learnRead More

Words of the Week

As much as we value being in children’s natural environments by seeing them at their house, our time together is still only a tiny amount- one hour out of 168 hours of a week! It is important for us asRead More