Multidisciplinary Collaboration – What it is and why we do it!

Often times, children that we see in therapy have seen or are seeing other therapists or have other people who care for them besides just parents.  With so many people involved, it can be difficult as a parent to make sure that everyone has the same information and is on the same page!  The term “multidisciplinary” refers to the variety of people working with one child.  This can range from just 1-2 therapies/providers (e.g. Speech or Speech and Occupational Therapy) to many providers.  Just a few providers we have worked with include: Occupation Therapists, Physical Therapists, Teachers, Nannies, Daycare workers, BCBAs and ABA therapists, Physicians, Pediatricians, Chiropractors, Dentists, Nutritionists, and other specialty Physicians (GI, Cardio, etc.).  There can be a lot of hands in the cookie jar so to speak when it comes to your child’s health and development! It can be so hard to keep everyone on the same page and keep all of the information straight! This is why the multidisciplinary approach and collaboration is so important!


At Family Chatterbox, we firmly believe in how the entire team on the same page can help your child make more and faster progress.  We understand that there are often things that can impact our therapy sessions and we want to talk with the experts in their fields on how to address that in our sessions. We believe in reaching out to those that your child is interacting with on a regular basis and find ways to incorporate what they are working on in our sessions and how our sessions can be impacted by them!  With everyone working on the same goals, the progress is often faster.  We want your child to succeed and succeed quickly, so we want to reach out to see how we can make that happen!


If you have any questions on what that may look like for your child or what any of the disciplines above may do, please reach out with any questions!
