Getting Started With Solid Foods

Introducing solid foods can be an intimidating and excited time for us and our little ones! There is so much information out there that can get overwhelming about when/where to start and how to start to help it be successful!Read More

Speech Shapes

Speech Shapes. Sound different? Are you intrigued? Well let me tell you they are as fun as they sound! Hello everyone, I’m Kasey Wade and I’m writing this blog for you today to help you understand some of the toolsRead More

Transitioning to Drinking From a Cup: Tips to help the process not be so intimidating!

Transitioning to an open cup can be an intimidating idea for parents with kiddos on the bottle yet and/or on the sippy cup! It can be scary to think about how they are going to do it and not getRead More


We are back! Just in case you missed it, go back a few weeks in the blog and see the previous posts I’ve written about Oral Placement Therapy, how and why we use tools in speech, and if your childRead More


Welcome back everyone! This is Kasey Wade once again writing you another blog to talk about the tools that we use in therapy. Today we are going to be talking about another one of my favorites, the straw hierarchy! OkayRead More