
We are back! Just in case you missed it, go back a few weeks in the blog and see the previous posts I’ve written about Oral Placement Therapy, how and why we use tools in speech, and if your child could benefit from working on their lips, jaw, and tongue in addition to the traditional therapy models of listening and watching.  



Today we are going to talk about Horns and Whistles and how they are able to help kiddos to improve in many areas necessary for clear speech. What if I told you that by working on blowing horns/whistles your child could reduce their drooling. Would you believe it? What if I told you it could help them to learn how to control their breathing better, and use it effectively for speech? Well the horns do all that and more including lip rounding, pulling their tongue back, and helping them with turning their voice on and off in order to produce a variety of speech sounds. Again, I would like to clarify that these tools are used in conjunction with skilled intervention by a trained Speech-Language Pathologist, are designed by professionals, and are used in a specific order or hierarchy for effectiveness. But these skills are achievable and we’d love to help you get on the path that best fits your child’s needs. Please reach out to us with questions, to get a free consult, or just to pick our brains. We LOVE hearing from you! 

