Teaching Toddlers Language Part 5

Hello everyone! Welcome to the last section of our Teaching Toddlers Language blog series. This week we are going to talk about the power of play schemes, and how you can use the play that kids are doing each day to facilitate more language! The number one biggest tip that I can give to any family, is to work on imaginative play that revolves around the activities that your child is engaged in each day. This is powerful because it gives them a chance to hear you model the language that goes with each activity in a less pressured setting and try to incorporate their own language into those activities as well. The best part…it’s easy for you and practical for your child! Here are a few examples!


  • Strategy 5: “Play schemes” that revolve around daily activities
    • Eating
    • Sleeping
    • Cleaning up
    • Going places
    • Playing games
    • Bath time
    • Brushing teeth
    • School
    • Meeting Friends
    • Sharing


Can you think of any other ones? Which activities are more specific to your family? Do you have pets? Go to sporting events? Have a nanny or older sibling? Share some of your ideas by sending us a message or posting pictures on our social media! If you need more guidance, feel free to reach out! Playing is our specialty!

