Teaching Toddlers Language Part 3

Hey Hey Hey! This week on our teaching your toddler language we are going to be talking about VERBS! These little action words are so key for helping your child to be able to put together a meaningful message. Without the verb, we have very bored toddlers and boring messages or ways to work on communication. Verbs are often a missing piece of our puzzle when we are working with kiddos who have language delays. By emphasizing the verbs at home, you can really capitalize on helping them to fill in the gaps. Try out some verbs while doing these different activities!

Strategy 3: Focus on verbs during these activities

  • Driving in the Car
    • Driving
    • Riding
    • Sitting
    • Looking
    • Steering
    • Turning
  • Bath time
    • Splashing
    • Soaking
    • Dumping
    • Washing
    • Scrubbing
    • Drying
  • Nap time
    • Sleeping
    • Snuggling
    • Covering
    • Laying
    • Reading
  • Play ground
    • Running
    • Jumping
    • Skipping
    • Sliding
    • Swinging

Comment on our social media with a photo or video of how you have been able to give this a try! We’d love to answer any questions or help you trouble shoot if you run into challenges!
